Here's the cover art for my fictional band's cd. Pretty groovy, huh? Here's how you can create your own:
- Your band name comes from the first article title of a random wikipedia entry.
- Your album title is the last four words of the final quote on this page.
- Your album cover art is the 3rd picture on this page of random Flickr images.
- You're on your own when it comes to editing it. As you can see, my photo-shopping skills aren't so hot.
Meme via GitM and Lots of Co.
"Some Kind of Talent" - The debut album by Hyloscirtus caucanus.
That would be a fantastic album title.
Posted by: Jen - The Alien Spouse | January 19, 2008 at 01:52 PM
I liked your early stuff better.
Posted by: Kevin | January 19, 2008 at 11:24 PM